Dr. Greg Brannon Announces U.S. Senate Run to Replace Kay Hagan

brannonDr. Greg Brannon, practicing OB/GYN critical care surgeon out of Cary, NC, officially announced that he will run for Kay Hagan’s Senate Seat in the 2014 election.

The announcement came months after a grassroots effort was formed to convince Brannon to run for the position. “Draft Dr. Greg Brannon to Senate Run 2014,” a social media page created by several grassroots supporters and friends in the North Carolina tea party and liberty activist movement, attempted to convince Brannon to throw his hat in the ring by displaying grassroots republican support for his potential candidacy.

Brannon officially announced his campaign Saturday afternoon in front of a mixed audience of the NC-RLC and the Eastern NC Tea Party, at a Winterville, NC event, “LiberTEA Rally.” The event organizers were unaware that Brannon would make his initial campaign announcement at their event, calling it a surprise.

“(We were) proud to be part of the event. I wasn’t aware it was his first public announcement,” said Diane Rufino, Founder of the Eastern NC Tea Party.

The Eastern North Carolina Republican Liberty Caucus said of the announcement, “We were pleased that invited speaker, Dr. Greg Brannon … choose our Liber-Tea rally as the setting to make his first public announcement regarding his candidacy. … Dr. Brannon is a strong advocate for the US Constitution, personal liberty, and freedom. We look forward to his focus on these essential issues during his candidacy.”

Dr. Greg Brannon is the President of FoundersTruth.org and a weekly radio guest of the Bill LuMaye Show out of Raleigh.


Money can be beat if you get out and vote...Give Hagan the pink slip.

lynn 42
lynn 42

If Brannon is already ahead of Hagen let the Liberal smear campain begin

lynn 42
lynn 42

I gave $50.00 to Brannon today hope he can win. I despise Kay Hagen she is wrong for our state. Tills seems like a political insider.

Sue U2
Sue U2

I am prepared to volunteer and endorse Dr. Greg Brannon.  Our nation was founded upon the rule of law and the promises in the constitution.  Nearly, all corners of government have fallen away from this binding document and become prey to unhinged moral relativism. When you completely divorce our societal rules from the constitutional basis then society creates the perfect circumstance for crafty politicians and attorneys to bend the law in any fashion which suits their cause.  Go Greg Brannon, Kick Out Kay!

David Lola

Mecklenburg County


Right up until I read the letter where Greg Brannon said, "My Campaign Manager, Reilly O’Neal, tells me you haven’t yet donated," I might have thought this guy was a good deal. But really? Reilly O'Neal? Reilly O'Neal reminds me of a children's nursery rhyme:

"There was a crooked man who had a crooked house..."


I am sure he is a good guy BUT whoever came up with this contribution email.....is an DUMB ASS!......I am as conservative as they come but first impressions go a long way.....

There's only four hours left before the End of the Quarter Fundraising Deadline. 
My Campaign Manager, Reilly O’Neal, tells me you haven’t yet donated. 
...., as a personal favor to me, will you chip in at least $10 right now to help reach our fundraising goal
Your support right now at this critical time would be greatly appreciated and mean a lot to me. 
Thanks in advance for your support. 

-- Greg 


This is a truly good candidate for Senate.  He's pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax, States' rights and a constitutional conservative. 


greg truly would be a public servant...honorable, humble, wicked smart,

Marie Paris
Marie Paris

This is great news!  I have heard Dr. Brannon a couple of times and he was the only person who could have convinced me to vote for Ron Paul which I did in NC primary.  Dr. Brannon is exactly what we need and Kay Hagan is exactly what Barack Obama needs which is why she needs to go!!

Marie Paris

Nash County, NC

Linda Harper
Linda Harper

I will do everything I can to help.  Send us some cards, flyers, etc 

lynn 42
lynn 42


Brannon does not enjoy the support of the Republican elite.  Takes $ to win Hagen already has over $10 mill 


@MarjNowak When he calls for the closure of DHS and the end of the WoT™ I'll believe he is a constitutional conservative. Until then he will be part of the problem (just another neo-con RINO), not part of the solution.